The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

A A A A The 31,908. BIRTHS. DEATHS. Malvere-villan, lite me and devoted a aged 63 gears. the On the 27th 01 1.

HENRY WILLIAN BUSK, North the of of of On the 27th at Blockwell 8.W., ELIZABETE ISAAC HENRY HA ON, of J. W. JERAM, the 27th Hanta, House, LICE of MAITLAND ELIZANETE RODNEY, R.N. PRANCES, of A ON W. the of CATHARINE at GLASSFORD 21.

MUNRO, widow of the be v. Soak Cross of 600 Deep Hall, Gresfriars. EDMUND MOLINEUX, of W. J. the 7th Inst, N.

MARY ANN, Bidetord, of the late PARSONS, formerly of 0008, of a deeply lamented. the MAJOR V. MAC M.D.. the wife of of On the 77th inal, Broomles House, West Linton, ISABEL for 51 to the servios of the Sir William of Spitalbaugh, and his family. 15 Lover Dublin, of On the 284h 1986, The Terrace, Wokingham, Berks, HARRY NACAULAY of abort BARAH ANN, the beloved of THOMAS da SPENCER, in her 620 year.

the 25th. at 11, De Ereriogrosd, Mrs. London, VIVIAN-6 000. fever. In aced October, 26.

at Rio ERNEST de Janeiro, WILLIAM, after a dearly few loved days' son of Whiniest DICKINSON, at 134, and EMILY WEBSTER, of Waltham Abbey. On the 29th Oct. 1685, at Fairleich, Esber, Surrey, S. E. ARTHUR SHAW, the FRANK C.

MAO NALTY, M.D. M.A, M.Ch. Dublin beloved wife of the late Geo. Shaw. (Ln memory.) of Univereltr.

of a 100. 28th at 22, daughter. Campien-hill-gardens, the -The FUNERAL wife of wind FOR GLEHN, of COMPANY was established in 1643 for funeral economy and at the wife of 8. A. reforms.

-Oom, 28. New Bridge-street, and 82, ARONSON, An Da ALEXIA BONO, General CRETKE, the of 1 000 Explanatory pamphlet gratis -LUNDON NECROPOLIS Ravelife Hall, Selby, the wife of RALPE -Simple funerals and perfect Agr, N.B, the wife of WALTER COMPANY, 2, Strand. Patent earth to earth perishOn the at Beenbeld, able coffins. NEILSON, Jun. a Mary the Entry, Oct.

Oxfont, 1885, of the a wife of FALCONER MADAN, EM. FUNERALS by PETER ROBINSON. St. a FREDERICK CHARLES Forest-bill, of FUNERALS on ECONOMIC W. the the 7hh Oct.

of REGINALD EDWARD MURRAY, of 6 con. GEORGE SMITH and SONS, 8 nie 10. Great Portland street, gent-circus, W. Direct furnishes at the 7th at Thielmere, Bromles, Keat, the wife of E. T.

Bret- Telegraphic address Inure, London, Records from 1741. MARTIN DENNES, of a Taise-hill, the wife of EVAN THE CARRARA MARBLE 600. On the Ith at the Upper Lawn; street, London, established in 1820 for the manufacture WORKS, Regentof SPICER, of a daughter. BERNARD, of every description of MONUMENTAL in Marble, Oe the 27th al Follestone, Mrs. PEROY Granite, and Stone.

Pulpite, Foote, Puste, and Pedestals. On FRANK the ROBINSON, at prematurely, of 630. and Runic designs, Recumbent Ledger Tombs Sideep, wife of ARTHUR MEMORIAL CROSSES, in Granite and Bryn Marble, of the wife of and Morumenta Works forwarded to all parta of the world Oe the 27th H. Inst, at ANSON, 45 of a daughter. GAFFIN and Co, The Carrasa Marble Works, 61, Regent-street, W.

FREDERICK rife of 78th G. E. at SMALES, of a daughter. Stapleton-ball-soad, Brasses surmounted on marble. Thotograph ic and estiNaval, and Memorial TABLETS.

Wimbledon, the wife of W. E. H.R. H. the Prince p.

of Wales Gallery, and 63, London, Sculptors to mates on applicator GAFFIN Mont mental On the lost, at Worple Lodge W. WHITFIELD, of danghter. de the an Friern Barnet, the wile of JOHN CUTCLIFFE, THE CARRARA MARBLE WORKS, Regentdaughter. warded street, when desired London, for all kinda of prepared -GAFFIN DESIGNS and da and Sculptor, 63. Regent- treet, W.

STUDIO MARRIAGES. and SHOW ROOMS Oe the 234 Oct, at Ft. Ape's Robo, by the of father of the bride opposite the Marble Arch. -A Book of Artistic Designs for EDWARD Vicar eideet son the Norfolk, REV. to Crosses, Tablets, Tomte, ko, in marble, granite, or stone, FREMONT COLLETT, late of the of late ROMULO and sent post free.

-J. Sculptor, street, W. Export orders. ATRORA of BEATRICE, daughter Soba, W. EMORIAL WINDOWS.

Studies, the parish eburch, Riabop wearmouth, Sunder- No. 4, Onford-street, W. Works to preeseen, M.A., the REV. ROBERT LEAMON, eldest son of the TAYLOR late lestablished half a by the Rev. MeGonizie, B.D., assisted by the Res.

and designs on view. bere. Bent with cetimete sunlication.late ELIZABETH, Robert ooly Leamon. daughter of of GEORGE WELFURD, M.D., EMORIAL BRASSES -Designs Whitwell Hall Norfolk, to MART af Hooter a Hall, London, and 1851 estimates forwarded 1876. on application.

Medals 1810-MATTHEWS, awarded: the St. Knighton, by the Rev. 8. MARY W. No.

19, Castle-street, Oxford street, W. Philadelphia, Viest, GEORGE of the HULL, late of HENRY SHARPE to JONES, of ET TH, eldest The Park daughter road, Leicester. MEMORIAL BRASSES. Brass Eagle Lecterns, Fittings, Wrought Iron Work. Lighting by Oil or Gas, the 25th at St.

Matthew's Church, SIR Hydraulie Engineers, THOMAS POTTER 80NS. 361, 01- JAN 'S OLDENO, of Nottingham, to AMY, half ford-street, epposite Mary lebone-lape. Established upwarda of aughter of the late HENRY BURSELL. of a ceatury. RTISTIC MEMORIALS of the highest class.

the 25th 16. Yew Paul's Church, Crieklewond, Avenue-roed, EDITH N.W., For particulars apply to BELLMAN and 1,37, Piccadilly, W. 308EPB co*ckS, CONSTANCE. daughter of Mri. FALCONER, Belaisepark gardens, sad the late Capta.

Falconer, of Gothic House, CT. RELENA HOME, Regent for TRAINED NURSES and PRIVATE PATIENTS. Apply to Lady SuperChurch, Edinburgh, intendent, 1, Grove N. W. Oe the 25th at St John's Episcopal the REV.

Rer, ANDREW CRUICKSHANK, saristed by M.A.. J. Private Chaplain to the ONDON HOSPITAL PRIVATE NURSING Res Ferguson, the Most Noble the Marquis of Breedalbane, to REBEKAR WILSON, NURSES INSTITUTION, Whitechapel-road, mental, K. -1 boroughly can trained of SIR THOMAS J. BOYD.

for medical, surrical, and fever cases be immediately obtained from the Matron. 25th Oet. at 8. Boston Yorkshire, by the Rev. G.

Webb, fatber the bridegroom, by the 8. G. M. INHE WIGMORE TRAINED NURSPS' INSTIVicar Baxton brother of the M. NO and the Res.

J. I LUTE -Resident skilled and experienced NURFES, for Medical, of the par ELLEN (LILY). Bargical, Mental, and Fever Cares, supplied at minute's WA TIPLADY, of Part Hill, Wetherby. notice. Address Miss Carts, 32, Wigu ore-etrect, London, W.

Oe Abe 25th Inst. at church, the of Maturin, M.A., ViCar, RONERT SHILOOCK, Boston, NURSING INSTITUTE, 5, Henriettaeldest son of J. of Bourne. Lincoln, to street, Corest-rarden, W.C. Establiabed 1862.

EMILIE ANNIE, youngest deugbter of ROBERT JOHN KLITZ, Folely under Medical Direction. lamingion, Hanta. BKILLFD NURSES MEDICAL, SUTPLIED Surgical, and Monthly notice from HospitalMental, trained are at moment's this Oz the 27th at St. Angustine's, Honor Oak, of the Rev. Institute, being sericent in the Home also Fever Nurses and Male Ho worth Morgan, LI.D..

SANERT ROBT. RAISE, RAINE, Bristol, Thorpe, to Attendants. A to the Secretary or Lady-Euperintendent. LYDIA, youngest daughter of the late Telegraphie address, Nursing Institute, London. Yorkshire.

Oe the 77th Cet, at St. John's Taunton, by the Rev. P. W. D.

E. WILSON'S INSTITUTF, BEATRICE EDWARD MARY, eldest RUTTER, dauchter of of Halinford. 1HOMAS MEYLER, of HOSPITAL TRAINED pole NURSES street, for Medical, Eugical, Londen, Moribly, Loviands, Tanaton. Mental, Dipsomania, end Fever Cases, Rev. far the lareret of Nerves London, en, MALE ATTENDANTS, respectable, experienced a for all cares.

the 27th at ALFRED James's HOLT Church, FREETH, Crordon, of by the the Inland Having by in every appliesW. R. Hickman. Vicar, tinn can be supplied at a moment'e notice. Revenue Department, youngest an of Major Gen.

8. late Freeth, R.E, WALTER to The of case and res should he perronally or by CAROLINE Second daughter of the letter or telegram, to Mr. Wilson or Lady DURBAN FREETH, of Bedford Park, Cropdon. Fatabbahed 1667. 38.000 familles have teen provided with purer On the 27th Get, at Mr.

the Synagogue, sasieted Bt. by the Petersburgh-place, Rev Mr. Haines, Bays- for ACCOUCHEMENTS. -The water, by the Rev. third those whose limited, but wbo Independent wives of daughter of DANIEL DE PASS, of Oakienda, Maresfeld-gardens, charity, can receive the beet attendance, and nourishment FREDERICK H.

to FLORENCE, means are are Here petead. Australian and Cape papers, please cops. during their contnement at the lowest possible est to themselves, in a private house, under the management of the Board and Medical the 77th at Rostherne Parish Church, by the Rev. H. Staff of the British Lying-in Hospital, For particulars, apply to the Clarke, Ficar of Wray, Ambleside, and the Rev, C.

1. STOTT. Watson, Secretary of the Hospital, Endeil-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Rector of Lower Broughton, BERNARD WILLIAM of THO J. BOLLAND, of Broome House, Didabury.

AMILY FOSTER, daughter of REV. THOS. CLARKE, Vicar of HOTELS, the 27th Oct, Thomas', Exeter, by the Ret. Sabine Baring-Gould, of Lew Trenchard, by the Rev. Ed CHARLES ward DURR'S HOTEL, -Restful quiet here.

Cop Vicar of FRANCIS Omnibases Colonial and Indian Exhibition, fare 3d. to THUEN DEL, second son of Colonel Edward Andrew Picoadilly 14. Amusem*nta a few minutes walk only. First class Noel, of Eston Hell, upoo-Trent, to WILMOT JULIANA, 10, 11, 12, Queen-square, W.O, peer British Museum. Terms in print, dent daughter of THOMAS MAITLAND SNOW, of Cleere, 5L I bomas.

COMMERCIAL and FAMILY On the Zith at Christ Church, Bengeo, by the Rev. E. Gripper HOTEL, 19, 20, and 1, Charterbouse-square, London. RegisB-bia. cousin of the bride, by the Ret.

R. Vicar, tered telegraph address, co*cker'a Hotel, Londca. KABAN, youngest ton of the REV. H. J.

DAUBENY, Rector of to ELLA MARY, elder daughter of JASPER GRIPPER, HOTEL, 40, Piccaof The Danes Hill, Beogeo. for families and gentlemen. The mont central palRev. ton in London, within three minutes' walk of parks, clubs, sod On the 77th at Vicar, Mary assisted Magdalene's, by the Rev. Worcester, A by the Warwick, beatree, Suites of rooms or bed rooms only.

Tariff underate. Spe J. Pleydell Driver, son ALBERT BUCK, Wor- cial arrangements for a lengthened stay, en pension or otherwise. HERBERT WILSON, younger of Mr. to JULIA, third daughter of the late S.

M. BEALE, ATCHETT'S HOTEL, Dover-street and and Regietrar of Worcester County Court. dilly. Every modern convenience for families and gentlemen. On the 27th Margaret's, Lee, Kent, by the Rev.

F. H. Winter terms bare DOW coma enced. The celebrated Diner A. Beetor, LIEUTENANT FRANCIS GILBERT JONEs, Pariaten is served daily in the grand salon from 6 till 9.

There is Royal Nary, soungeet son of the late William Jones, J.P, Chelten- also a high class table d'bote (separate tables), from 6 tr. 9. The bam. to ELLEN, daughter of the REV. CANON spacious grill rooms and restaurant in connexion with the botel are and of the late Captain John Crowe, 93d One till midnight.

For tariff or residential terms, address the Sutherland High landers, The Abbey, Ennia, county Clare, Ireland. Manager. Telephone 3,831. On the at the church, Teddington, Mid Alesez. by -The MANSION, standing in the Rer.

R. J. mpson, Vicar of 6t. Peter Lee, BENJAMIN its own Private Hotel. Residence for URWICK, Fleet Pay waster, Bozal Nary, M.8.

Re Tenge, Queen- ladies and gentlemen. river scenery. Lawn tennis, boutLOVE. tO FLORENCE ANNE, second daughter of the ing, and billiarde. Table Great attention paid to the late REV.

JOHN JACKSON Herbiordabire, MANLEY, M.A.. late formerly Evening Rector Preacher of Cottered- Curzon cuisine. Tariff on application to Manager. of with-Broadfeld, and Chapel, Mayfair: by the SOUTH KENSINGTON -PRIVATE (1, RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, mansions, Oe the 284h St. George's Church, Hanover Ret.

B. Savory, N. BUKNAND (late Coldstream BiOD. Winter terma. Convenient for Weat-end, Oity, and suburbs.

Guardel to HAHRIET JANE GROOME, second daughter of the Special arrangements for permanent visitors. late Charles Groome, of Worthing. Os Marshal the 25th Tweddell, at James, Vicar West of K. bourne-terrace, Saviour, by the Paddington, Rev. one minute from Crystal Palace, high level, and rail ware.

Pri. NORWOOD. Ravenstone, Farquhar-road, KENNETH HAWEIS M.A.,. JAMES, of 81, 10 Pate Hotel BOARD and RESIDENCE. Morning, reading, smoking, ELIZABETH, daughter of FRANCIS VENN, of 60, War- bath, drawing, and lofty dining rooms.

EMILY Chef, pages, and butler kept. rington crescent, W. As bome 17th and 18th November. No cards. YORK HOTEL.

Excellent suites of rooms Coffee, drawing, and reading room. Good DEATHS. cuisine Moderate charges. Tariff on appliantion to Manager. On the at Grease (near Canner), LORD MONKEWELL.

ON SEASON. ROYAL CRESCENT Let Rept, st Ballerat, Victoria, THOMAS WILLIAM HOTEL, for families and gentlemen. Splendid ATLEE Manager of the london Chartered Baul, Ballaras East, situation, facing sea. Table poly eon of the iste William Armroid Atlee, aged 35. the 2th of at Kodelkanel.

Pulpey-bills, Madura HOTEL has the pretOn District, Madras fever, WILLIAM MOORE, Madras tiest situation to this delightful town, on slightly rising ground, Her. Moore, D.D., Vice-Provost sheltered from every wind but south, which is faces every T00m PresidenT, Civil Trinity Service, soD of Dublin, the late 34 J. L. commands superb sea Visitors, eD pension, 108. 6d.

daily College, years. rooms most liberal table. No extras whatever. good bed 12th ber residence, Oskover, Ticeburst, Sasses, BARAH JANE, widow of the late JOHN REA of GRAND FIR VAEL Ticeberet. HOTFL.

First-clare Hotel, in its own grounds. Lawn-tennis at 4, 8.W., the wife of Home comforte. Excellent cuisine. Moderate charges.BENRY COOPER, aged 31 L. WILLIAMSON, Mapager.

in bet 30th year, MARION, wile of CLIFFORD, and daughter of centre street in Europe. Is one of the most On the Zet at West Wandsporth, after abort illness, -MITRE HOTEL, situated in the Abe late Oliver Mason, of Birmingham. economical first-class hotels in the kingdom. On the Oct, at Lachipe, Montreal, Canada, GEORGE Lincoln hire, aged 38. facing the sea.

One of the best -and most comHARVEY, ooly son of the REV. JOHN BYRON, of Killingholme, ST. LEONARD' fortable on South Const, Good cuisine. Visitors billiards. by day or Moderate week.

On the 224 at road, Brownswood-park, MARY Public and private sitting rooms, electrio light, ANN PARSONS, terms -C. M. ELKIN, Proprietor. Oe the 224 inat, at residence, Besborough, Kenagh, county Tipperary, JONATHAN PERS5E GROOSIE, only surviving of EVERSFIELD HOTEL, St. Leonard's-onof King's County, and Sea.

The largest and best-appointed hotel in St. Leorard'a, Derryhiney Castle, coun Galway, deeply regretted. Drawipe, dining, reading, billiard, and bath rooms. Pandenger lift and electrie light. Table d'hote.

Tarid of Manageress. Oe the 234 Oct, at ELIZABETH ANNA, elder daughter of MAJOR G. CRAWFORD, aged 21 years. THE CLIFTONVILLE HOTEL, Margate, situate A 24th 1886, at 5, A deb-grove, Bloke Sewington, JAMES on the high eliffs facing and close to she sea, accommodates toore ROBERT WELCH, six son of the late Gourge Welch, Surgeon, than 210 visitors. Liberal table.

Hist-class cuisire. Wines of the Blaustead, Montbichel, Kasez. R.I.P. 6 est Ore of the best and most popular hotels in England Good Tariff 00 application to JEFFERIS, Restthe 24th I at Bouth Bomercotes Rectory, the REV. EDMUND R.

H. G. PALMER, in his 920 pear, eldest surviv. dent Managing Director. ins eco of the late Charles Palmer, of 1 burnacoe Dear Don- HOTEL.

-This old-estacaster, Yorksbire. blished House is Low RE-OPENED, and newly furnisbed with Oe the 25th Oct, at Bournemouth, ADA MOLESWORTH every regard to comfort. Beautifully altnated in charming grounds, OGILVIK, third daughter of the late George Oglivie, and beltered from the north apd esat winde. Terms, en pension, Madras Civil Service 128. 6d.

per day. -Mr. sod Mra. Managers. JAB.

On DOWNER, 25th in his 14, 78th year, Holland-road, deeply lamented. Brighton, CAMPBELL The GRESHAM HOTEL, Upper Sack rille street, one of the largest and best appointed hotels in Oe the 254h for over GEORGE with JOSEPH YABSLEY, Fletcher, of Poplar, in Ireland. Ladies' conte room and drawing room. Table d'hote every bin 87th gear 50 Son, and Pearsall, Union Dock, Limebouse. evening.

On Monday, the 25th, at Oxford-terrace, Hyde after a WINTER RESIDENCE. -The KURfew dago ilices, SOPHIA DUDGLON, of Les ALPINE la MALOJA, Upper gadine, 6,000 fret above sea Grottet. widow of the late Wil jam Richard Dudgeon, of level, remains open for the third winter season. Resident Phyrician, Dublin, Friende will kindly accept this intircation. A.

TUCKER WISE, M.D. On the 25tb ipel, while on vint to ber friend, Mrs. Probart, Rt. bet's, 6t. Albane, after a few hours' illness, JULIA, vidow of HOTELS, within four days' the late HENRY COOK, of Camden-town, aged 83 years.

Austra- steam from Kogiand All steamers met -WILLIAM REID. liao and Sew Zealand papers, please copy. the 25th near Jedburgh, WILLIAM and BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, bin fist KULL, A will Royal of this (ibe only) WEDDING 42, Piece Mily. London. TURN Iste Bank Edinburgh, ton.

Fear. Friends socept Writing Despatch Table Sets, in polished brass Dressioz and oxidized Cases silver, 21. to kindly only daughter 26th A V. NONA, Writing Cases Cares 64. Portrait Albums.

10. tersbire. Inkstands 01. Cigar Cabinete to Envelope Boxes 108. Jewel Cases 154, to MOon Tuesday, 26th The Cottage, Attleborough, Traveiling Dressing Bags, morocco, silver £5 5a, to £50.

Stationery Cases to Liqueur Cases ISAAC T. TOWNSEND, aged 45. Photograph Frames and Acreeds to bold from two to 24 portraits, On the 26th inet, ALFRED TALBOT WILLOUGEBY, of The and a large assortment of porelties, from 5a. to £5. -42, Piccadilly.

Springs, Turnford, Berta, year. Friends will kindly socept Shin intimation. VISITING CARDS, at HENRY RODRIGUES'. JULIA A cord plate engraved and 100 superine carde printed for 4a. 64.

ELIZABETH at MOUNSTEVEN, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Ball programmer, minus. Guest carda, Wedding cards and inOn 28th Campden-bill, Bences Ezonridge Estate, Seer, Deron. and vitatione engraved in to every modern variety. and Memorial cards, Book Proosdilly, pistes W. designed medieval styles.

-42, On the at youngest Holland, of House, and DISSOLVING-VIEW LANTERNS. 71. B. Sole Maker of the Rrideman Triple 264h Anita Peaks entit sion Lantern, of Gold firet-class medal alides 1894, by for medal 1885. large Illustrated awarded silver MARGARET aged 83 gears.

Friends please of this estalogue, gratis, post free to all 406, 66, 456, 54 intimation. of socept Cornhill, London. On the Hanks, the result of a gun Norwood- PUMPING MACHINES, Artesian Boring Wells.dent, FRANCIS aged A. 6. 21.

STEER, Australian, son of A. African, 8tcer, and of South Indian TERP, Engineer. On FIELD, the 27th en House, Cambridge BOBACE Barb Wire, Sheets, Wire Netting. cops. RON HURDLES, Bar and Wire Fencing, Steel Espalier and Work.

Improved J. Black 64. COLEMAN in 18 paid. 'afirett, Hee atta the Seal har oh of Times, LONDON, FRIDAY. PERSONAL, ko.

HARRIS (J. formerly of late Plymouth Collector ADDRESS of Taxes of the for above WANTED. Information 9 to be given to T. 0. Kamel, Solicitor, 24, Coleman etreet, E.

C. A DAMTHWAITE who left (MARK) London in October, 1884, is the La Netherland for New York, and lodged at 225, Brooklyn, New York, and worked at house Broad will learn something to his advantage if be will COMMUNICATE with -G. L. P. Agre and 1, John street, Ledford-roe, London of ENGLAND.

-No. 11,223. having been made to the Governor of the Bank of England to direst the re-transfer from the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt of the sum of 225 Consolidated £3 per Cent. Annuities, which at one time stood in the name of CAPTAIN ROGER BANKS, of the Regal West Middleser Militia, deceased, and which trans ferred to the mid Commissioners in consequence of the Dividends thereon tariar remained unreceived since the 5th January, 1832 Notice is given th it, on the expiration of three months from this date 29, 1836), the said Btock will be re-transferred into bin name and the Dividends thereon paid to Mary Ann Sevyer, wife of John Berger, administratris de bonia son to the said Roser Banks, deceased, the baving calined the same, unless some other claim thereto shall in the meantime be made and sustained. GOLD WATCH and Cannon (£5 REWARD) Maker's name LOST.

Zimmerman. between Apply, to- or so-morrow, Hall Porter, Constitutional Club, Charing THE Treasurers of the JEWS, HOSPITAL and ASYLUM, West Norwood, gratefully ACK NOW. LEDGE the RECEIPT of a BANK of ENGLAND NOTE for FIFTY POUNDS MA an anonymous donation In memory of Louis Lucas, Esquire, from a Christian." ORTH LONDON or UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL Gower street, Supported by Voluntars Contributions -J he Committee gratefully the RECKIPT of the following CONTRIBUTIONS L. Cohen, £31 10a: Martia C. Martin.

donation, and £1 la Dew H. NIXON. Secretary. TATIONAL HOSPITAL for CONSUMPTION, te Principle, Undercliff, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. -The Board of Management gratefully ACKNOWLEDGE the CEIPT of DONATION of THIRTY GUINEAS, from Mrs.

Theo lore Thrupp, in aid of the funds of this recently enlarged Hospital. Office, 34, Craven street, W.0.-ERNEST MORGAN, Becretary. Frances Georgiana Cooke, of Boston, in the county of Lincoln, hereby declare that it is my intention for the future to TAKE the NAME of HOLLAND in addition to my preseat name, and I shall hereafter be known DE FRANCES GEORGIANA COOKE-HOLLAND. -Dated this 16th day of Oktober, 1886. FRANORS GEORGIANA COOKE.

Witness--R. W. Staniland, Solicitor, Boston. DROCLAMATION of intended MARRIAGE of JOHANN CASPAR THEDOR SCHROEDER. Merchant, of Gidenburg, son of Zollinspector Johann Diedrich Schroeder and his wife born Bitter, both of Olden bare.

to EMILY SCHROEDER, born Duffort, widow of the late Merchant Ferdinand Edward Schroeder, of London, daughter of Edmund Duffort, Gentleman, of Birmingham, and his late wife. Elinor, born Morton. NOELL, Registrar of Olden bare. the SUPREME COURT of HONG KONG. Original Jurisdiction.

Suit No. 13 of 1886. Between The Nether. lande India: Steam Navigation Company Limited Plaintiffs add James Motiregor and all others Owners of the Glentruin and the cargo laden co board thereof Defendanta. Notice is (in pursuance of a Supplemebtal Decree of this Honorable Court dated the 23d day of June 1586) bereby given that all persona having CLAIMS against the above pamed Plaintiffs in respect of or in consequence of the COLLISION which oceurred ca the 17th October 1865 between the Dutch Steamsbip CAMORTA and the Steamsbip OLENFRUIN in the Harbour of Hong Kong are hereby requ'red to their claims together with all and vouchers in suprort thereof in the revistry of the said Court at Hong Kong ou or before the December 1886.

And notice berery also given that at the expiration of the last mentioned day the Registrar of the said Court will proceed to ascertain and the amouet of the loss and damages of the respective claimants who shall have fied their claima as aforesaid and to distribute the rum of $106,316 18c. paid into Court to the credit of this suit by the Platotiffa the owners of the seid Camorta to pursuance of the Decree of the said Court made the 6th April 1886 whereby the Hie bility of the Plaintiffs was limited according to tLe provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acte 1854 to 1:62 to reepect of the Collision aforesaid. And notice la hereby also elven that Underwriters of the Cargo laden on board the raid Steamabip Glenfruin are at liberty to claim to respect of the loss of such cargo in lieu of the owners thereof or of them. Dated this 30th day of June 1886. WOTTON DEACON Solicitors for the defendante 35 Queens Road Hong Kong THE EXPLOSIVES ACT.

1875. -Notice is hereby given, that Friday, the 3d day of December, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, bas been appointed of the River Thames for the bearing of an APPLICATION to the said tors at the oftices of the Thames Conservancy, situate at 41, Trinityaqua e. Tower-hill, E. by or ca behalf of ARTHUR ROCK, of South Norwood, in the county of Surrey, fireworks manufac trading as C. T.

Brock and for their assent to the ESTABLISHMENT of MAGAZINE for explosives on the River Thames I Highem Bight, below Gravesend, in the parish of Chalk and county of Kent, acrerding to the terma specified in a draft magazice licence, which bes been approved by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, and is intended to authorize the establishment at the shove-mentioned site of a magazine, to consist of the bull of veerel, for the storage of manufactured And notice is hereby further given that a correct oopy of such draft magazine licence, with the plan of the proposed magazine and of the site thereof, in accordance with the terms of such licetice, bae been deposited for inspection by persona interested at the chief office of the said Conservators of the River Thames, at 41, Trinity-square, Tower hill, to the City of London, where the same may be inspected between the hours of 16 o' elock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon co any week day excepting Ratunlay. Dated the 29th day of October, 1886. BHAEN, ROSCOE, sod 8, Bedford-row, W.C., Solioltors for the Applicant, -ORDNANCE SURVEY of ENGLAND. To LANDED PROPRIETORS, Clergymen. Agenta of Katates, Parish Others, and all others interested in the Boup-aries of the Parishes correctly ascertained and accurately laid down on the Plane of the Ordnance Burrey.

THE BOUNDARIES in PARTS of the COUNTIES of STAFFORD, WARWICK, and WORCESTER bare been secertained as directed by the Act of Parliament, 4th and 5th Vietorim, cap. 30; continued in force by the Survey (Great Britain) Continuance Act, 1875; and the Sketch Maps drawn, which, with the field notes of the Perambulation of the following places, via In ASTON UNION. Aston Pariah. BIRMINGHAM UNION. Birmingham Parish.

In KING'S NORTON UNION. Edgbaston Parish King's Norton Parish Harborne Parish will be open for inspection between the bours of 10 and 4 o'clock the Reception Room, Council-house, Birmingham, on Friday, 12th Xovera ber. 1886, As the Boundaries laid down on the Government Mara were pointed out to the Ordnance Surveyors by Me termen, or persons by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled in Quarter Sessions directed by the Acta of Parilament quoted above, the Maps may possibly become evidence respecting the Boundarles, and thus affect the right of Rating Lands, Therefore Proprietors, Agenta, and nther persons, to whom this notice la addressed, are particulerly requested to examine the Sketch Mare, to ascertain that the Poundaries of those Lande in and for which they are interested have been correctly defiped and laid down, and to bring with them plans of their Estates for comparison with the Boundary Sketch Maps, that, should any diRerenor he found; they may be inquired into and corrected before the Maps are engraved and published. R. H.

STOTHERD, Colonel, Royal Eneineers, DirectorGeneral of the Ordnance N.B -These are mere Skeleton Outline Maya, and do not abow the Boundaries of private property. Letters relating to these Boundaries abould he addressed-" The Director General, Ordnance Burrey, 43, Parliament street, London, M. RDN All the published SHEETS eat be obtained from EDWARD STANFORD, Sole Agent for England and Wales, 55, Charing-cross, London, 8.W. post free. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Annual Clearance of Unclaimed and other Property, left in the posers on.

-Notice is hereby riven that this Company will cause to be on Wednesday and Thursday, the lat and 2d of December nest, 11 o'clock in the forenoon of eseb day by Public A as the Company's Terminus. King'e-erves, London, all PROPERTY found on their premises or left in the carriages, or otherwise being in their possession, and remaining unclaimed on 30th September, 1885, including all goods and articles of every description which up to that date were are still walting delivery, eitber in consequence of the neglect of senders or consignees thereof or of dispate having arisen between the senders and consigneer or between the senders or cousignet sad the Company respectively, or from any other cause ARTHUR FITCH, Secretary. Secretary's office, King's -cross Station, London, 28tb October, 1886. (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1874. -The Metropolitan Hoard of Works hereby give notice that they will on Friday, the 12th day of November Dest ensuing, meet at their office in Spring gardens, Charing-cross, sad will at I o'clock proceed 10 the folles ine apelications, viz.

H. BOUGRTON, for SANCTION to ESTABLISH ADeW the BUSINESS of a SLAUGHTERER of CATTLE prem the Frat of 105, Hammersmith-road, and abutting on place, in the parish of Fulham Mr. J. Dennis, for Sanction to Fatablish anew the Business of a Slaughterer Cattle at the premises at the Lambeth rear of 15, 17, and 19, Cornwall-road. Briston, in parish of Mr.

C. G. allard, for action to tatablish anew the Business of a Slaughterer of Cattle at premises at the rear of 48, West Ferry road, Miliwall, in the parish of Poplar Messra, C. Banders and Sup, for Sanction to Establish 300W the Business of Gut Scraper st premises at Gainsboreugh-road, Hackney Wick, in the parish of Hackney: and that they will at the same time and pisce be willing to hear ali persons objecting to sO order bride made giving sanction to the establishment of such businesses, and will take into consideration any objections inade at such time and piece, and will great or withhold such sanctions as they may deem espedient. By J.

E. WAKEFIELD, Clerk of the Board. 28th October, 1586. IDDLESEX to Wit. -Notice is hereby riven, that LICENCE was RANTED to HARRISON BRAN.

THWAITE, R.C.S. of 6, Montpelier-roed, Twick-uham, the Geperal Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held by adtournment at the Sessions bouse, Clerken well, Thursday, the day of October, 1836, to keep a TREAT for the reception, controi, care and curative srestment of HABITUAL DRUNKARDS, at a certain bouse A DOWD High House, in Twickenham, in the county of this 28th day of October. 1886. RICHD. NICHOLSON, Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Middlesex.

MISCELLANEOUS. A LADY wishes to hear of another lady going to Cannes for the winter, whom she would be glad to JOIN co equal terms, References exchanged. Address M. H273, Address and Inquiry office, The Times Otice, E.0. WINTER lady, of RESORT good social position, proceedine to in the Tyrol, wishes to meet with others to join ber.

Terms six month. References exchanged. Address 79, Warwick-road, Maids-vale, W. NO INVALIDS and their A middleaged and Sew experienced physician and his wife are about to procred br -tea er to Zealand, returning bome pest will be glad to take the medical and general CHARGE of DELICATE PERSON tor whom clerical, sea voyage medical, and avoidance of winter may be desirable. 40, Highest Margaret and other W.

references. Address Medious, square, desiring to become colonists should call on Messrs. Clayton and Rawson. 25 practical and successful experience in the colonies, Pamphiet, Apply posted, at 7d. Colonial Information office, 68, Bisbopegate within.

FLORIDA. and Colony and of Sumter incres-ing. County. Established 1882, constantly rapidly For particulars Wild and Lands general information for for intending pupils, apply SETTLERS, by letter Investore person in to Stapyltoo and orange Fruitiand Park, Dear or groves, or or Florida in and 8, Deishay-street, Westminster, London. Letabarg, A Station DVOWSON one mile of and market RECTORY town in three.

chiefly Norfolk and Healthy giebe, for and let SALE. locality. Income from comfortable tithe rectory-bouse, rent-charge standing in nice grounds, about close 5600, to church, restored. Incumbent aged 13. allowed besides until Principals or solicitors 23, Bedford street, W.

Strand, Papery Stark sad for EXCHANGE. Rector of a country living in South of England, population 4.0, income approaching rest £300 two per annum and house, would be willing to exchange or three Lions tor of value la southern or country. tor, OCTOBER 29, 1886. ENTERTAINMENTS. ACADEMY of MUSIO.

Instituted 1822. Incorporated by Royal Charter 1830. Under the immediate Her Most MAJESTY The QUEEN and the Royal Family. Principal -PROFESSOR AIR G. A MAC RE NEXT CHAMBER CONCERT will take place Nor.

19. Half Term will Commence on Thursday: Nor. Candidates for admission (hinging music perform) may be stamined To morrow (Saturday), Cot. 30, at Metropolitan and Local Examinations, 1837. -Ryllabus for the above be bad upon application.

Lass de, a for receiving names Dec. Lat 1240 respectively. JOHN GILL, Secretary. Royal Academy of Mania, Tenterden-street, ROYAL ALBERT-HALL -Her Majesty The CHORAL QUEEN. SOCIETY.

H. the DUKK of EDINBURGE. K.G Cond actor-Mr. BARNBY. Sixteenth Beason, 1306-81.

FIRST CONCERT, Nor. 8. Mendelssobo's ELIJAH Mr. Artiste Anoe Williams, Wilson, Mr. Lloyd, and Henacbel.

Tiokets 7a in, da, and gallery 1a The series will comprise ten Concerts, eight being subseription. Prices of subscription for the series of eight concerta 421., And 200. Seats may now be secured, sad prospectuses obtained as the Royal Albert-hail. SACRED HARMONIC for five concerts, SOCIETY, St. 300., 218.

James's3, Randel's Judas Feb. 25, Romini's Moses in Lerpt Dec. 17, Handel's Messiah March 25, Costa's Eli Jan. 21, Mendelssohn' Conductor. Mr.

W. CUMMINGS. Intending subscribers should apply early at 12, John street, Adelphi; Austin's; and usual ageata. SACRED HARMONIO SOCIETY.for the series of fire scats, numbered, from oDe guinea. TOVELLO'S James's-ball.



SANTLEY, TO NIGHT, 7.45. ST. LUDMILA. Conductor. Mr.

DVORAK. TONIGHT, 7.45, at St. James'-hall. TOVELLO'S ORATORIO LUDMILA. br Antonin Drorsk, TO-NIGHT, ate quarter to 8.

Ms. dame Albani, Mias Hope Gienn, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Conductor. Mr.

Dvorak. Stalls, 6d. balcony, 5a. 2a. 6d.

tion to the series of six concerta (stalls), $2 12a. 64. names received by Novella, Ewer, and Harnera-street, and Nos. 80 and S1, the usual Agents and Austin's Ticket otion, St. James's-hail TRINITY COLLEGE, London.

President--The EARL of ABERDEEN. Session 1886-1. The next INVITATION CONCERT will take place on Tuesday, Norember 23, at 8 o'clock. The half-term commences November 8, when now students cap be received in musio and general subjecte, Prospectus on application. By order of the Academical Board.

Mandeville-place, Manchester-square, W. TERMANN FRANKE'S RICHTER CONCERTS. De. Hans Richter: Director, Mr. Hermans Franke.

Orchestra of 100 performers. Leader, Mr. Ernst Schiever. Richter Choir. Choir Director, Mr.

Theodor Franteen. -14th Season. -St. James's hall. Second concert, To-morrow, at 8.

CON Obarfreitage-Zauber, Beethoven's from Parsifal, Coriolan at the Second Concert, To-morrow, as 8. ICHTER Aufforzumn Tanze and Liszt's Ungarische Rhapsodie, No. fo minor and major, at the Second Concert, To morrow, at 8. OHTER Brahm's symphony, No. 4 in minor, the Second Concert, To-morrow, at 8.

RICHTER aria, CONCERT. Absence (Berlioz, Mr. at the second HUTCHINSON Concert, To-morrow, at 8. 10a, 64., and 2a. at the usual agents, and at Austin's office, 8t.

James's -N. Vert, Manager. POPI'LAR CONCERTS, St. James'sball. -FIRST CONCERT of the season on Moody evening next, November 1.

Divertimento in for stringed instruments sod two French horna Mendelssohn' Caprice in abarp minor, No. 5, for pianoforte alone Volker by Raft, for violio, with pianoforte accompaniment; and Rubinstein's Sonata in major, for pissoforte and violoncello, Mias Fanny Davies, MM. L. Bios, Hollander. Naidrete, Keevill, and Piatti.

Voralist, Mr. Santley. Bigoor Romill. Commence at 8. Stalls, 74.

64. baloony, 3 admission, 1a Subscriptina to sofa stalls for 21 concerts, £5 58. Programmes and tickets as Chappell and Co. 'n, New Bond-atreet Austin Piccadilly sad of the usual Concert Agents. NATURDAY POPULAR CONCERTS, 8t.

James'sCONCERT of the on Saturday afternoon, November C. Programme Mozart's Quintet 1a major, for stringed instruments Beethoven's Sonata in major, Op. 109, for pianoforte alone: Platti's Sonata la major, No. 2, for violoncello and pianoforte and Schumann's Quartet in dat Nora Miss Fanny Davies, L. Rier, Strats, Gibson.

and Prattl. Vocalist, Mr. Henschel, Accompania Me. Frantzon. Commence 1.

Stalls. 64. bal. cony, admission, to cola stalla. 25 for 20 anncerta.

Programmes and tickets al Chappell and New Bondstreel Austin's, Piecadilly and of the usual Concert Agenta. STEINWAY HALL. Lower Seymour-street, W. A GRAND CONCERT wi'1 be given at the above ball, on Sator. day October 30th, 1586, in AID of the MARYLEBONE SOCIAL CLUB for YOUNG MEN and WOMEN, Omera-place, Alpha-med.

The following Indies and gentlemen have kindly given their sertloes Mrs. Artbur Lery, Madame Marian Mr. Beruard Lane, Mr. Hirwen Jones, Me. Arthur Oswald: Pianoforte, Miss G.

Halford Mias Coven and Mr. Erie kind permission of D'Oyly Carte, Eeq.) will give one of their Drs ing-room Comediettas. Con tuctor, Mr. If, Coven. Tocommeote at 8 o'clock.

Tickets, and be obtained of Mrs. Arthur Lery. 10, Westbourne street: Miss Torn No. 42, Miss Llewelyn Darien, 5, Blandfordsquare Miss Halford, 26, Cleveland-gardens. DRAWING-ROOM Miss KATE Scherzo dat (Chortal and, with Hera Polonaski and Rose, Schumann's miz.

brio as drat concert, Wednesday next, as Berkeley Studio, 35, Upper Berkeleystreet. DONAWITZS FIRST HISTORICAL HARPSICHORD sod PIANOF RTE RECITAL the development of the sonatal, nt toe Portman Boors (Baker-street), Saturday afternoon, Detoher 30th, at 3 o'clock. Tickets, 2a. 6d, 1a. at Bianley Luces and Weber's, and at the Portman Rooms, ERR FRANCESCO BERGER has the honour to announce that the 12th season of his APRES MIDI INSTRI.

MENTALES (for the practice of concerted Pianoforte Musia by Amateur Pianistes with instrumental socompanimenta by artistes) will be resumed TO-DAY. at 2.30. Full particulars at his residence, 6, York-street, Portman -square. THE MOORE and 'BURGESS MINSTRELS. St.

James's-ball, TO NIGHT, at 8 Special Day Performances every Monday. and at 3, well Prices of admission -Fauteuils, 5a. sola stalls, 3a. 20. gallery, anal to the dress cirele of say London theatre, No fees of description, Ladies can retain their bonnets in all parts of the bell.

Tickets and places esn be as Austin's Ticket odice, 8t. Omnibuses run from the Colonial Exhibition direct to the doure of 8t. James s-ball. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS NEW of the MOORE and al the 86. Pronouaced by all she daily and Weekly De papers to be one of the bess that has been introduced for several Jean To prevent disapoointment places should be booked in edsome hundreds are turned away from every performance.

MOORE and BURGESS ful MINSTRELS, St. vill James's- be repeated THIS and every NIGHT, Special day performances every Monday, Wednesday, and Baturday afternoon, at 3. as well. All new sones and entirely Dew features in the Olio. Linden, the great barlenjoe prima donna, has now returned for the season.

Bomers and Dew Terpaieborean Act. Moore' Marvellons and Startling Disappearance The great burlesque four, De Voy. Leelera, Lovet, and Petersen. Moore's screamingly funny sketch Flight of Mereury at every performance. Unquestionably the very best and the most astractive performance in London.

THE LONDON PAVILION. -The Marvellous Disappearance of a Lady. And. like the baseless fabric of this vision, Lesve not a rack Mona, H. Wildea, from the du Chitolet, Paris, the original performer in that city (after the inventor, Bustier de Koltal made hie on Tuesday, the 17tb hefore a large sod critical audience, who Iminediately pronounced him to he the mast accomplished of this marvel as present bafore the London public.

Not only, Mana Widen canse the lady to vanish before the egos of the audience, bat also the veil covering ber. Thus double Illusion is presented to she publia. Every evening, at 11. VER LONDON PAVILION. -KATSNOSHIN AWATA and PAUL CINQUEVALLI, the two greatest this age bae prodaced.

will appear nightly at the Pavilion. ONDON PAVILION. Piccadilly, -Lessee, Mr. E. Villiers- -Every evenine.

Miss Harriet Vernon, Miss sad Mdile. Ida Ibrahim, the Sisters Martens, from St. Petersburz, their first Mr. appearance in England: Mr. Charles God.

Hares Randall, Sam Harry La Bose, Gen. Fairbarne, Mr. Will Atkius, Hurry Vor, Watson, Clerg, and sud Mr. W. Hunter, Mr.

Mrs. Sweeney and Kyland: E. Wildes, Professor Wingleld' Performing Dow the Schaffer Troupe of Acrobats, Paul Cio l'Incomparable, and Katan oslin Awate, Prices, 14, to 3a. Doors open at 7.30, commence at 8. Acting Manager, Mr.

Edward 8waoborugh. THE ROYAL, Holbern. -Proprietors and Managers, Menses, W. T. and Sara Adans a Grand Compans.

Mine Lillie Western, the great American musical marvel: Brothers Borrant, the disappearing demons Leonce and Loila equilibrista and jugglers Tom Bam comio Fraser and Allen, musical eccentricities Kelly Power, actress: Barry Randall, comedian George Medley, the Henri Clark, Robeonian comic Florence Dorling, serio: Professor Wingdeld sad his derful doss: Annie Berry, serio Mile. Zara: Kate Negmour, serio comic; Richards, 2.30. serio; and others. admission, Evenings 51 at 7.30. at Pries of 64 14 XP APPEAR NOE of LADY gnated upon AD ordinary chair plae-d upon an ordinary table.

Skiptomania, Skipping Ballet, Brothers Gritthe and Biondia Donkey. Miss Harriet Vernon Chirgwin, be White Boxes James the best company of comedians and vocalists. 214, and 6d. Adminion sod 2a. Every evening and Saturday afternoons.

-LEADER and of 62, Piccadilly, beg to announce that, pending the re-building of those they bave REMOVED to 14, Royal Arcade, street, where they continue to sell the best seats for thestres, concerta, ke. THEATRES. Concerts, and Entertainments.BoXES, Stalls, and Dress Circle Seats in the best positions for every theatre in London. notice at Quadrille OLLIVIER'S pianists and other Telegraphic performers and Tele- enon the shortest phonic, 3,515, Thestrical Ticket and Quadrille Band Ageney, 38, Old Bond street, Piccadilly, W. ACON and OLLIER'8 OFFICES for the SALE of the best SKATS for all THEATRES, Concerta, are 160 and 168a.

New Bond street, W. Season for Concerts has commenced. -LACON and OLLIER have soured many of the beat STALLS and other places for the various musical entertainments of the satuma and minter. -No. 155, New Bond-street (Concert Departmeat).

Dales. Mr. ALFRED HAYS baa secured Private BOXES and DRINCE of WALK8'S in the best positions, Stella, and Upper Vocal pet pianolorte by Berthold Tours, Always Silent Love, The Two Birds, No. or quadrilles by Coote, polka by Bongs, You. I've only one.

Ross and Sleep trio, Asleep, 2. the City Boz-othes 1, Royal Erehange W. and the Bond No. 2s, Old SINNEY PRATTEN. Instruotress to EL IL the Princess in IN TOWN for the assson, Dorset street, Portman-square, SINICO has returned to town and in ENGAGEMENTS in and private lessons in ringing in 65.

W.O. CRYSTAL NATED THIS PROMENADE to one or by return from Children under 12 Open for sAmission from 10 sill 7.30. Dr. Barley and Lieut. Albini, Physioga and the Vanisbine Lady, 3.

Orchestral Coneers Me. Variety Entertainment by Organ J. C. Boardman): Skating Rink el- Great Company a Military painted by Philippotesas, CRYSTAL -To-morrow and evening SPECIAL lighted by ILLUMINATED tens of FETE And PROMENADE brilliantly thonasnde of lazupe and lanterns and electric lichs. Pastoral Ballet.

Daphnia and Chloe. directed by Mr. Oscar Barrett, and arranged by Malame Katti N.B.Children's Evening and Early Performance of Ballet, Tuesday, Nov. 2. CRYSTAL PALACE 3.0.

Vocalist, -SATURDAY Malle, Ella CONCERT, Ran-ll (by permission of Rignor Lago). Violoncello, Herr Julias Klengel (his first appearance in England. Conductor, Mr. August Mason Procramme will include overture, Coriolan (Beethoven) (Wagner), Violoncello concerto (Volkmann) (first time): 8ym Pilgrimage phony. Scotch 64.

violoncelio overtare, Waterley (Berlion. Seats 2a. and 1a. Admission to concert room 64. CRYSTAL PALACE Italian Opera, ELLA Corent-carden, will RUSSELL.

make her be second appearance at she Baturday Concerta To-morrow (Saturday), 3085 by permission of Signor Lago. RYSTAL PALACE. -Fifth of November.SPECIAL GREAT FIREWORK DISPLAY by C. T. Brock and Co.

at 7.30. Evening and filuminated Promenade, First day of Annual Chrysanthemum Show, Une shilling day. Nor. 5th CHRYSANTHEMUMS POMPONES, Friday and Saturday, PALACE ANNUAL SHOW of and 6th. For schedules, apply Mr.

W. G. Hesd, Superintendent, Crestal Palace, 8.8. CRYSTAL PALACE pictare PICTURE of NIAGARA FALLS in WINTER (by Cameron) is NOW ON VIEW. It in the largest painting of the Frills in 90 square feet of sad is justly a masterpiece: also a very fine palating of the celebrated Whirlpool Kaplia, showing the location where Captain Webb met bia death.

LBERT PALACE, Proprietor, Mr. William Admission Mondays, 00 payment at the doors; every other day, one shilling children half price. -Commencement of the Autumn Season. -AMUsem*nTS all day from na, 11 to 11 p.m. Grandees and Hippodrome in the world, the finest horses and ponies, sp4 the greatest combination of talented ever seen in one establishment Two Performances every day at 3 and Two Pantomimes every day in the Marionette Thestre.

Organ Recitals by Mr. A. fa*gge on the grandest organ ever constructed, AQUARIUM. G. H.

CHIRGWIN, original White eyed Kaffir: Griditha Brothers and their original Mondin Donkey, and introducing their Vauisbiag Frank Maura, sod his Wonderful Somersaulte: Professor Yield and the Disappesrina Lady the Henderson and Stanley Quartets Alf West (Silence and Pun); the Kinies Comia Pantomime Troupe the Beck (swimming) Ella Zulla, the Anetr-lian Punambullst, and little Lu Lu, in their wonderful formance 00 a wire nearis100 fees high sad 200 fees long and Pascication, the Grand Ballet. at 3, and evening. at 8. Admit aton la Cbildren 6d. Nancy and bee baby, the only mother and baby seals now in captivity.

on view all day (no extra charce). Popular Fate To-morrow (Saturday), British Army Quadrilles, Military Tattoo, Theatre of Royal Aquarium. -Professor Leon, the Mesican Horse Tamet, every evening at 9, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, at 4 and 9. TATIONAL AGRICULTURAL HALL, KEN. SINGTON.

HIPPODROME Paris from Hippodrome The NEW -The NATIONAL Directors of AGRI- the National Agricult ire! Hall (Limited) bee to Shat the Hell Great will be Hippodrome OPENED of la Paris, which December has nest never with been seen performances in London. by By order, F. S. VINOENT, Recretary, of whom particniars may be obtained at the temporary offices, Nos. 25, 26, St.

Margaret's Victoria 8. W. THE ZOOLOGICAL SOUIETY'S GARDENS, Regent's-park, are OPEN DAILY (except Sandage), from 9 till sunset. Admission la. 00 Mondays 6d.

children- alwage 6d. The new Reptile House la now open. Mrs. Under GERMAN management of REED'S Mr. Alfred Reed ENTERTAIN- and Mr.

Corney Grain, TO-NIGHT. at 8. Artists- Misa Fanny Holland. Miss Marion Wardroper Mr. Corner Grain, Mr.

North dome, Mr. Sant Matthews, and Mr. Alfred Reed. St. George's-ball, Langhamplace.

Stalls 5a. and admission 2a, and 1s. A UNITED PAIR, TO-NIGAT, at 8. A new first part, written by J. Congas Carr, musio by Alfred J.

Caldicost, Mus. Baa. Monday, and Friday, at Tuesday, and Saturday, at 3. ENLEY REGATTA. TO-NIGHT, at 9.30.

A musical akotch, by Mr. Corner Grain. Last week, On Monday next, Nov. Ist, Mr. Corney Grain will give an entirely new musical sketch the Waters -Mr, and Mrs.

GERMAN REED'S ENTERTAINMENT, George's-hail, Langham-place, W. (three doors from St. James's-hall). -Twice da'ly, at 3 and 8. ERBEUK and Malle.

DE MARGUERIT in their wondrous BEANONS of PRESTIDIGITATION. Mesmerism, sad Thought Transmission, daily at 3 and 8. Tickets 78. 61, 2s. 6d.

sod la, at the asual and at the Hell. England's Home of Mystery. -Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr. J. N.

Twice at 3 sod 8 5 souls, sad 2a. baisung, children half-prios (baloony Sahools sad esoursion parties liberally treated. CHARLES BERTRAM. the most Becomplished and jovial of prestidigitators, will give a limited number of delightful magical interspersed with charming sketobes, and including Bustier de Koita's marvelloas of living is ly, the most cleverly devised and startliaz Illusion wit nested for mans The clumsy attempts 44 and abaurd so-called Improvements bare given lustre to the original feat. which stands pre- like a Brazilian gem amongst French paste.

B'ATIER de KOLTA'S VANISHING Mr. Maskelyne having secured the ascinatre right of producing this modern miracle in Great Britain cotil the arrival of the inventor at Ohristmas, the iliasion can seen nowhere in but the Earptian-hall, where is in performed twice daily by Mr. Oharies Bertram sad Mille. ASKELYNE. and COOKE on TOUR.

-This Week, Bournemouth. WIll retara to their Home of Mystery shortly before Christmas, VAL. Prince's Piccadilly. Mr. Charles Du Val it monologue, The CIRCASSIAN GLINKAS, TO-NIGHT, Prices la; children ballprice.

Tickets at 547th time To-morrow, as 3 and TROUGHT VAL, Prin Mr. Morning and Post Miss a MORITTS' There was perfeos isolation hetween media and traasmittar, ber eyes wore securely band ged, so signals could be APANESE VILLAGE (and the only Tannaker), Hyde-park, near sad Kensington stations, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., la children to see everything TAPANESE Astounding menta, bamorous and other sketches, by lendine artistes from Japan, daily at 1, 3, 5, and Constant change of programme. All seats free. No extra charge.

APANESE VILLAGE. -Countless Attractions, Art Ladustries of J.pse illustrated by Japanese Artificers Native and military bauds morning till night. Refreenment buffets. The most interesting place of amusem*nt in London. TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION.

POR TRAIT MODELS of E. M. The QUERN and principal mempers of the Royal Family. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria, the Do ate de Paris, the Duo the la Prana Liszt. Lord Dafterla, Indian Tributary Over 400 portrait models.

Orchestra 3 to 5. and 7.30 go 10 p.m. Admission 1a. Children under 12, 6d. Extra rooms 64.

Open from 8 till 10. TADAME added, PORTRAIT TUSSAUD'S of the EXHIBITION. INFANT KING Just of SPAN and the QUKEN KEGKNT. Dramatic Group, representing her Cancelling the Death Sentence General Villacamps Military Rebels, October 5, 1686. BILLIARD: HALL, ROB Argyll-s V.

reet, BENNETT: Regent-street, Nov. 8th W. to Nor. 13th. Roberta V.

Richania. Admission la, 2, and 3a. Table by Cox and Yemen. ORD MAYOR'S BROW (the best view in London procession passes three times side entrance, out of crowd). ROOM to be LET.

Price £5. -Fisher, 188, Strand. ROOMS, King-street, St. VACANT DATES, for banquets, balls, pablie meetings, are now heing booked. The propriators of Willis Rooms have in making such as to insure the return of the old and valued prestige these so long Spectal attention given to each DAWKINS.

OLD SILVER PLATE, Diamonds, Pearls, and other Jewels, colas, furniture, and miscellaneous articles, BOUGHT for cash. GATES an SON, 22, Baker street, W. from George-stroet). 1855. VALUABLE OUTI Real silver-mounted koives (Government stamped), dozen esch pair meat carters, pair game carvers, and duted steel, with very fine real Craiord ivory balanced and pined bandies also one dozen anch table and dessert forks of best make, quality and pair of knife resta all complete, handsome solid oak lock-up case.

Perfectly new and unrolled. The property of rood family, now in slight didiculties. Valued at £15: of £6 6a. accented. Apprubation any distance, or viewed as owner's resi-lence.

Address lettar or Mrs. D. Butler, 89, Clarendon-soad, opposite Holland-park, W. for MOTION. A Attract of the New Patent Act, with 1 lates of 120 Mechanical Movementa: to be bad free on application.

Also Analytical Hummaries 1 the English and all Foreign and Patent Lawa, Price 3a. A. M. acd m. Clark, Patent Agents, No.

St, Chancery-laps, London. YOUTHALL and Builders and Contractors, Brisbane, Queenaland. Contractors for ervotion of new Queensland National Bank besd offices premises a Brisbane. DETROLEUM ENGINE (ETEVE and HUME'S PATENTS) Works No bailer, no coal DO This engine is by common petroleum. makers, PRIERTMAN.

Works, Hull: and 52, Quera Victoria street, London, BALLS, Bazaars, and Fetes. JOHN SIMMONS and -ONS, the eminent Contamiers, Taristockstreet, Covent-garden. Portable On8TUMES and every requisite in complete an 4 elegant style. theatres, Caution. only.

Establiabed 50 years. Country orders promptly executed. THE FIRESIDE GAME of GAMES, ACROSTIO instructive. Fillips to Memory. Amusing, puzziing, and entertaining, University and dons.

Price 5a. Played be intelligent people of and all London, Unwia Brothers, A Mgers sod fancy Stationer. PAIN'S FIRE WURKS are unrivalled. FIREWORKS, and PAIN'S 8t. MaryE.C., 121, Selected recommended.

33 1-3 added in 25 Fires per off loose goods. 10 gold and to M. medals, the prize as all Are work competitions Contracior post H. free Queen as to Osborne, 1885. and full particulars on application J.

Pain, 9. 1 Mary E.0., or Walworth The largest wholeasie esport in the vorld. FIREWORKS, PAIN'S unrivalled. Selected cases 64., 100, 1054, 230k. 13 1-3 per ovat.

discount added in Are TOBACCONISTS COM ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, (135 How to from 220 to 82,000, three stamps MYERS 101 to phone 1,541. IMPORTANT to SMALL CAPITALISTS wishing COMMENCE TOBACCONIST GUIDE (156 and PRICE 3d. ART EXHIBITIONS, kG. WHI COLONIAL CLOSK and INDIAN EXHIBITIONto 10 Wednesdays, 10. Adminion 10 14.

dails, from 10 minated 1 Fountains Gardens daily. AST WEEK Grenadier but BandsGuards and Coldstream Guards. 35 INTERNATIONAL sores. The grostest EXHIBITION, 1951. Liverpool, Strand.

laquiry offlos, DREWERS -The EXHIBITION. BORING Agricultural-hall, boring the wells, diameter, for the Southampton DaM for are being EXHIBITED by Maura. La Grand and Satelli, Waterworks, London. NNO DOMINI. Painted by AUWIN out, and LONG, osrefully R.A A noble picture, well Art picture is to which we may point Saturday a foreign critic leila as thas to the minutest particular -a extinct 200 in is now with Revise This greas work, high she tainina Galleries, dgures, 158, New Bond ON -street, from 10 to others 5 by daily.

the asse Admission is. EPATHAH'S VOW. By EDWIN LONG, K.A, -I. Jephshab's Return. 2.

On the Mountains. NOW ON Galleries, VIEW, 168, New witS his Anso to Domini, 6. Zaazia as Crotona. al 1. The Martyr.

the Boad-street, 10 Admission 1a. GREAT -VALE of TEARS. A attaches altoge to the her latest exceptional addition to the and Bore pathetic Gallery -The interest VALE of TEARS--the last work produce! by the vanished band of greas Alsatian. It is a rendering Come unto Me, all re al travail and are heavy laden, and I will sire you rest." The background of the plot ire represents The Vale of Tears, a sha to ey valley danked by an enormous crag. At the entraace stands the Saviour closbed in white, a The Divine igure 14 ourrounded by a shadowy light, Hope erra in the Vale of It is ailed by a number of typical the weary and beary laden ones Every class of baman safering is represented.

The sing, clorious in cloth of gold, a ina, beseeching face to Christ. The aged and feeble, the maim- the bait, and the bilad, and the bated aid despised leper, all look to Carist for the rest which carta denies then. It la to sobinz to bare been the outsome of the crest artist'e very last tho -Soolety. ON VIEW al the Gallery, No, 35, New with his other celebrated pictures, 10 to 6. Admission la.

DIOTURES of the highest class, by artists of the ant Continental Schools, always ON VIEW THOMAS GALLERY, 7. Haymarket (ness tha Theatrel. ITCHINGS and ENGRAVINGS, all the -most recently publishe from the of F. Walker, Sir John Millais, R. MoLEAN, 7, (nest the Theatrel.

AT THOMAS market McLEAN'S (next the Thestrel. GALLERY, 7, Hay 'RTHUR TOOTH and SONS' COLLECTION of b' PIOTURES sad DRAWINGS inolades by the L. masters -Vioss Cola, J. C. HOoK, RA Lon4, R.

Alma Joan R.A., G. EL Boughson, A B. W. AR.L, Jose? G. P.

Rorbet, Benjamin Canetsat, Sorbi, Jimenez, Eagle de Biass, E. Frira, and others. Un riew as Galleries, 5 sad 6, Baymarkes and ENGRAVINGS of the highest Sir John Millais Vicat Cole, R. Sir 1 alter Sir J. Reynolda, P.

dir 7. Laighton, P. W. Lavier, R. de Blast, Jules Walker, Breton, A.R.A, and G.

oshers, are AR. 0g st Arthar Tooch and sone Galleries, 5 and 6, Haymarket, 3. PAL GALLERY, 157, New Bond of leading PIOTURES from the Paris Salsa, 1335, Including Daughter of Ere: Read Vanquelin'e extraordinary pi stares, Bourresa el Viotimes and The Besuty of the Harem: me cecian including Norman's worka. sion line TANOVER GALLERY. 47, New Bond-street, corner of EXHIBITION NOW OPEN.

Important works by Bastien Lapage, Millet, Da Dias, Corot, Tropoa, Louis Gallais, Boningson, Dally, from 10 until 6. Admission one ahliliag. THE REMBRANDT Modern Etchings, of the highest class. -ROBT. DUNTHORNS, Print Publisher, Vigo street, London.

DETRARCH'S COUNTRY, and the Towns Bordering the Road to the Riviera -An EXHIBITION of 10 WATERPulleyiore, Member of the Royal Institute, is now open at the PINS ART SOCIETY'S, 148, Now ALON -JAN VAN BEERS' GREAT ILLUSIONARY WORK, SCO6 hom*o, and other remarkable works, Third Exhibition 160, New Bond Admission one shilling. Wednesdays, balf-a-cron. 10 to YOUDAN and NILE EXHIBICION of original SKETCHES by MELTON PRIOR: EL She Prince of Wales, Deerstalking la Hangary leas for exalbition), br osber important works by Gains. borouga, R.A.. Dirid R.A, E.

B. Stephens, A. R.A., 0. B. Birch.

A.R.A, Priase Hohsalobe, E. Niemina. War. Ernest Parton, sal now 00 PALL MALL GALLERY (opposite Housel, 10 to 6. Admission astalogue 64.

SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION, open daily, as 5, Pail-mall east, from 10, 1o 5, 004 shilling: Monday, Wednesday, and 7 to 10, sixpenon. ELEOTRIC ARC LIGHT, 3,000 candle power, The installation of this powertal light will completed in a few days. Appointments to be photographed by this light may now be made. -25, Old Bond street, 1 TAPANESE -Connoisseurs and art lovers are invited to inspect the very choice collection of ansient modern art work echibited by the TINE ARE ASSOCIATION, 7 King-street, St. James's, 8.

W. CAUTIONS AND NOTICES. CAUTION. -Vilely injarious imitations of PEARS' SOAP are often for extra gain. Insist on Pears' 80sp.

Pesra Soap produces fair bright, complexion soft, skin. Bold and ESSENCE of BEEF, Turtle Soap, and other apsatalities foe lavalida. Beware of imitations No vita other address, 11, Little Stanhope-street, Magtair, W. MILK and CREAM PRODUCTS. Onir dep54, 1 8.0.

Lancet We have nothing but praise for them." Kindermilch, Infanta food, without starch or sugar. Cream emulsion, a delicious substitute for cod liver oll. Cream-milk, all fresh cream. all Obemiata and Stores. 8.

LLOYD'S EUXESIS, for shaving without water, or brush. -R. HOVENDEN sod 80N8 having purchased under so administration suit the business of late A. 8. Lloyd, with the receipt, trade-mark, and goodwill of the celebrated Kuzesis, the public are asutioned that the original and genuine bears only the address of the original No.

21. Glasshouse-street, 1 Mr. B. PHILLIPS, Manchester-hous 38, Manchester-aquare, gives the price la caab for plate, jeweis, faroiture, brocades, miniatures, armour, laos, ka. Bankers, National Bank.

-M. F. DENT, 33 and 34, Cookapar-street, Char (sole address), Watch, Clock, and so the queen, to the Orans of Europe, sad to the Lards Commissions of the Ad Price on applies LATHER SCREENS, brocaded silk screens. Large sad choice assortment, Old panelling for ronms. Antique and decorstive furnitare, old tapestries, DUVEEN.

Decorator, 181, Oxford street and RESENCE of BEBP. Each case bears a green label with Ostord border, containing their signature and sole address, 11, Little stanhope-street, London, W. Establiabed 1835. -MINTON'S visit depot, in South Audley-street, will at once show the of their collestion, both an regarda taste, extent, and lowness of price. to INDIA, China, and the Colonies forwarded with of articles for every will.

be on spoliaasion to THRESHER and GLENNY. (next door to Somerset-bousel, sarand, W.0. NOTICE. -PIMM'S NATIVE the finest selected Natives, paoked into barrela for despatch to all parts of the United Kingdom and the Continent. Natires up cially salested for i valida, and packed into quarter-barrels containing shree dozen, pries 9a.

6d. -Pimm's, 3, 4, and 5, Pouitey. celebrated PLYNLIMON WELSH MOUNTAIN MUTTON, direct from North Wales, GRANT. HAM and 10, Ustord-treet, W. Familles regularly supplied with butchers' meat af City and prices.

phone No. and Manufacturing so Patentess of she Sleetro-plase. Res 40 1 filustrated Pattern Book of New Designs in Table Plate of all sinds and an qualities la spa ne sod Porka, forwar led free by pet on application. Testimonial Plate in soil silver, la crest variety, al ways in stick, and committees wish sod photograp to anis all kingsoa sa 1 05, 22, street, Lan ton or 42, Mourgase-street, City Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. -MORTLOCK'S OLD POTTERY GALLERIES, Otter and street, be alientioa of old sad modera Porsisia and Glass co nor sing choicest pradietions of Minton, We lgwo Cosiport, sa1 Derby.

The business is she old lie and the shoe rooms the largess in Load By mart to Her Majesty The Queen and H.R. Priase of 458, and 470, 31 and sr 1- Portm W. Casablished A. D. 1746.

Hotel Metropole, London, S. W. -The Janior Club baring returned to their, lab house In the WHITSHALL in R00 49 of the 10T 6L navine separate entrance Me AVAIL for balls. raing concerta, diapers, breakfasts, The 700 comprise room, large sad small banqueting halis, reception and drawing smoking and billiard rooms for a sall dinner partisa, formIna one of the most an I complete suites la Barope. information may be obtained of the Manager.

TOTICE to the Ware.Inferior imitations of she's calebrated ART STONE WARE are being introduce 1, Messes DOULTON beg to inform the pabile their Art Productions invariably bear an atamp, visa the name la fall, alton, Lambeth. SPECIAL and Purveyors of specialities for invalids F. R. E. the Prince of Wales 1 original of Essence of Bed (green label, and other of such bare NOT REMOVED from their sola address, No, 11, Little Stanbope-street, Mayfair, W.

NOWVAN'S CANTON RAZOR STRAPS, Chinese Razor of Bemoral. -The MANU. FACTO KY for these straps Oxford REMOVED from Date street, Aldgate, to 31 sod 32, Berners-street, a rest, and 91-85, City-rond, K.O, where they mag now LITCHFIELD, of Hanway-street, Oxfordstreet, begs to large inform for Times that be now arrsaged la his Rooms, teady inspection and BALE. the OBJECTS of ART sod Special INTEREST attention which be has just sollected daring a Continental tour. directed to the more objects A Antoinette in finely by This raze branded with Marie of the de la A Pair of Henri Dear about of branches for 12 painted eir.

1750. 150 line Ivarz Carvings Old Litch 20, 30, 05, 37, Ban ROYAL BAVARIAN STAINED GLASS X. ZETTLER,.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


What is the political stance of The Times? ›

The Times and The Sunday Times, which do not share editorial staff, were founded independently and have had common ownership only since 1966. In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right.

How far is Greater London from London City? ›

The distance between Central London and Greater London (Region) is 8 miles.

Who owns the London Times? ›

The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times (founded in 1821) are published by Times Newspapers, since 1981 a subsidiary of News UK, itself wholly owned by the News Corp group headed by Rupert Murdoch.

What is the readership of The Times? ›

Fans describe it as: “Well written”, “Informative”, “Intelligent”, “Interesting” and “Analytical”.
TypeDaily Newspaper
ReadershipMon-Sat 843,766 Daily Print Saturday 1,077,000 Print
Circulation495,000 Print
Cover PriceMon-Fri £1.80, Sat £2.00
Subscribers539,000 (Digital and Print, The Times and Sunday Times)
6 more rows

What type of person reads the Times? ›

The Times” founded in 1785, is read by the minority of people today. It has a rather small circulation, but its influence is greater than its circulation figures (100,000 copies a day). It is an establishment newspaper, read by lawyers, politicians, and businessmen, by all those who work in the government at large.

What newspapers are left-wing? ›

  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

Is Greater London bigger than New York City? ›

The answer is London is larger than New York. In terms of the size of London vs NYC, London covers an area of about 1,572 square kilometres and New York covers an area of about 1,214 square kilometres. When talking about the NYC vs London population, New York has a higher population density than London.

What is the difference between London and Greater London? ›

The present-day City of London covers an area of 1.1 square miles (2.9 square km) at the heart of Greater London and is a centre of world finance. Greater London forms the core of a larger metropolitan area (with a proportionately larger population) that extends as far as 45 miles (70 km) from the centre.

Is London bigger than Paris? ›

Though Google still puts London out ahead in terms of surface area – 1,569km² compared with Grand Paris' 814km².

Who is the Times target audience? ›

The Times' target audience, according to ABC data, is predominantly ABC1, over 35 and has a liberal/ right-wing political stance. This well-educated and middle-class audience take an interest in national and global affairs and can understand and engage with detailed political reporting.

Who owns most of London? ›

Canary Wharf Group Investment Holdings

What kind of newspaper is The London Times? ›

The Times is a British daily national newspaper based in London.

Who is The Times' main competitor? ›

The Times and The Sunday Times have the highest overall share of business decision makers, reaching 53% of this audience, encompassing print and online, followed by Daily and Sunday Telegraph on 34%, FT on 30% and The Guardian/Observer trailing on 29%.

What is the UK's biggest selling newspaper? ›

‍The Sunday Times is UK's largest selling broadsheet newspaper.

What is the most read online newspaper in the UK? ›

In July 2021, Mail Online had an average daily audience of 4.1 million people aged 15 years or above, making this newspaper brand the highest ranking in the United Kingdom in terms of daily audience. The Sun and The Guardian ranked second and third respectively.

Who is The Times target audience? ›

The Times' target audience, according to ABC data, is predominantly ABC1, over 35 and has a liberal/ right-wing political stance. This well-educated and middle-class audience take an interest in national and global affairs and can understand and engage with detailed political reporting.

Is The Washington Times Republican or Democrat? ›

The Washington Times
America's Newspaper
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, D.C., U.S.
CityWashington, D.C., U.S.
20 more rows

Is the I newspaper left or right? ›

The i is known for having a neutral political stance, although it has also been described as having a centre-left political outlook. In 2015, the paper's editor Oliver Duff said it pursued "political impartiality".

What is the political alignment of the Financial Times? ›

Because of this tendency, the FT has traditionally been regarded as a centrist to centre-right liberal, neo-liberal, and conservative-liberal newspaper.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.